How to build a social media content generator

Today you’ll learn how to build a social media content generator.

How to build a social media content generator
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Today you’ll be building a custom AI assistant using Chipp. You’ll learn how to create a social media post generator that writes LinkedIn posts in your tone of voice. All without using code.
With these skills, you’ll be able to create your own AI assistants for a wide range of uses cases in the future.
Time to build 🔨

Context Building 🏔

🧱 Project: Build an AI Social Media Assistant
⏲️ Estimated time: 30 mins
🛠️ Tools: Chipp
A custom AI assistant is a tool designed to automate and enhance a wide variety of everyday tasks. It’s like having a personal assistant in your pocket, tailored to your specific business needs and customised with your branding to your tone of writing.
Your assistant can have multiple uses including image recognition, image generation, email capture and much more! With Chipp you can make multiple assistants and build a suite of custom AI tools to help with every task a human assistant might do. Building these assistants can save you time, money and improve the fluidity of your work or business processes.
You might be asking yourself, “Can’t this just be done with ChatGPT?”
Well, there are a few advantages to using something like Chipp over ChatGPT:
  1. You’re able to customise the branding and interface of your assistants, making them a way more integrated part of your business and team.
  1. You can monetise your assistants to earn money when other people use them.
  1. You can build assistants with email capture to support with lead generation and audience growth.
Take a look at this to get a feel for what you’re going to be creating today.
In this lesson you’ll learn:
  • How to build custom, branded AI assistant
  • How to monetise your assistant in Chipp

Let's prep 🥗

What's Chipp?
Chipp is a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of creating, sharing, and monetising AI applications. You can easily transform your ideas into sellable products. It allows you to attract customers by offering free credits, which can later be upgraded to packages or monthly subscriptions. Additionally, you'll benefit from straightforward payment processing through Stripe.
🔥 Get ready to build!
To make your life easier when you build, it’s good to get some practical stuff out the way first. Follow these steps so you’re ready to build:
  1. Create a Chipp account.
  1. Download the “[Company / Your Name] Tone of voice TEMPLATE” document here.
  1. Add this prompt to your clipboard (you’ll be pasting it into Chipp shortly):
"You're an expert social media content copywriter for LinkedIn posts. Your job is to generate 3 LinkedIn posts. You must write in the tone of voice provided in the document "[Company / Your Name] Tone of voice.docx".
Follow the steps below exactly. Do not refer to the step numbers or tell me what step you are on.
Step 1: Start by asking me what social media post topic I would like to write about.
Step 2: After I give you a topic to write about, generate 3 LinkedIn posts about the topic I provided. Each should be slightly different to give me a variety to choose from.
Step 3: Ask if there is a post I like and if I want to make edits to it.
Step 4: Make any requested edits and create a new version. Ask again if there are edits to make or if I am satisfied.
Step 5: When I am satisfied, congratulate me and ask me if I would like to create additional social media posts.
Do not use emojis. Make your posts concise and full of actionable value.

Time to Cook 👩‍🍳

  1. Prepare your ‘Tone of voice’ document.
  • Download the [Company / Your Name] Tone of voice TEMPLATE” document here by clicking the download icon in the top right of the page (next to the share button).
  • Replace the [Company / Your Name] placeholders in the document with your name or the company’s name (removing the square brackets). This includes within the filename.
  • Delete the description example highlighted in yellow and replace it with your own description.
  • Delete the list of example phrases in yellow and replace them with your own phrases.
  • Edit or delete the Do’s and Dont’s section to suit your writing style.
  • Save the file; you’ll need to upload this to Chipp later.
  1. Follow these steps to build your AI assistant.
Remember, when you copy and paste in the prompt from this email to Chipp, you’ll need to replace "[Company / Your Name] Tone of voice.docx" with your filename.
That’s a wrap, we hope you found this lesson helpful!
  • If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out.

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Written by

Max Haining
Max Haining

Founder of