Guides and advice from our expert team
The 100 School blog is here to help you learn AI, No-Code, and more for free.

How to create a logo with AI
Today, you'll make an AI powered chatbot that helps you brainstorm different automations you can apply to your work based on the tools you use.
Great Zapier alternatives for No-Code integration & automation
In our effort to push the no-code movement forward, we think it's important to spread the word about these tools and their alternatives. So without further ado, here are five Zapier alternatives for no-code integration and automation!
WordPress vs. Webflow: Which is better for your website?
In this 100 School comparison, we'll get up close and personal with two popular web development platforms with very different approaches—WordPress and Webflow.
Notion review: is this the organizational tool for you?
In this 100 School review, we'll be taking a closer look at this all-in-one workspace—what it offers, how to use it, and whether it lives up to the buzz. We'll also be sharing a few of the ways Notion helps no-code entrepreneurs create, automate, and manage their projects.
Intro Guides

How to create a logo with AI
Today, you'll make an AI powered chatbot that helps you brainstorm different automations you can apply to your work based on the tools you use.

How to create an AI chatbot
Today, you'll make an AI powered chatbot that helps you brainstorm different automations you can apply to your work based on the tools you use.

How to build a more powerful automation with Airtable and Zapier
In this lesson you’ll develop your automation skills further by creating an automation between Airtable and Zapier.

How to improve your sales conversations with ChatGPT
Today you’ll learn how to use ChatGPT to aid sales discussions and decisions.