How to write job-specific cover letters with AI

Today you’ll learn how to use AI to speed up the process of writing job-specific cover letters.

How to write job-specific cover letters with AI
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Hi there 👋!!
Today you’ll learn how to use AI to speed up the process of writing job-specific cover letters.
Time to secure that next role!

Today’s Task📝

🧱 Project: Write Job-Specific Cover Letters
⏲️ Estimated time: 20 minutes
🛠️ Tools: aiApply


Most of us have experienced the challenge of looking for a new role and feeling overwhelmed at the amount of work involved in application processes. Creating job-specific cover letters and resumes can take a lot of time and mental energy, which can be especially difficult if you’re already busy in your existing job or with other life commitments.
With tools like aiApply, you can leverage the power of AI to create job-specific cover letters and resumes, taking the pain out of job applications and allowing you to apply for more roles with a higher response rate.
As you’ll see in today’s lesson, the AI model uses information from your resume and the job description you enter as the context for your application, allowing you to emphasize key aspects of your experience that align with the role you’re applying for.
In today’s lesson you’ll learn:
  • How to create ‘Application Kits’ in aiApply
  • How to quickly create job-specific cover letters

Let's Prep 🥗

To complete this lesson, you’ll need:
  • A resume (.PDF, .doc) or a LinkedIn profile you can connect to
  • The job description of a role you’d be interested in applying for

Time to Cook 👩‍🍳

  1. Sign up for your free account with aiApply
  1. Follow this step-by-step guide for today’s lesson.
That’s a wrap, we hope you found this lesson helpful!
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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Written by

Max Haining
Max Haining

Founder of